Peer Review Process

Explanation of the peer review process in the Journal.

First: Receiving the research from the author:

  1. The research submitted by the author is received through the journal page on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank website

Second: Editing Search:

  1. The editor-in-chief examines the research file sent by the author in light of the vision of the Journal; to verify the following:
  • The research title corresponds to the specialization of Education.
  • The research follows the objectives of the Journal.
  • The research topic follows contemporary issues in the field of education.
  • The research is consistent with the vision of the Journal.
  • The author's acknowledgment of scientific integrity, and the research has not been previously published in any other body.
  1. The editorial board examines the research from the technical point of view, the detailed writing specifications, and standards of research ethics according to the criteria specified in the editor's form in the journal, and sends a report to the editor-in-chief on the results of the research editor.
  2. If the research requires modifications to be approved by the editorial board, the editor-in-chief shall return it to the author again to make the required amendments before its review if he does not require any amendments, the editor-in-chief sends the search to two of reviewers.

Third: Research Arbitration:

  1. The two reviewers review the search according to the criteria specified in the journal reviewer’s form: where he sends the research file and the reviewer’s form to two of the reviewers, and the reviewers review according to the criteria specified in the reviewer’s form, and they respond with the results of the review via the journal’s page on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank website
  2. If the research requires amendments approved by the reviewers’ board, the editor-in-chief shall prepare a report on the results of the review in light of the opinion of the reviewers, and the report of the results shall be sent to the author to make the required amendments.

Fourth: Ruling on publishing:

The editor-in-chief determines the verdict for publication as follows:

A) If the research is fit for publication without modifications; Posting procedures are done.

B) If the research is fit for publication with modifications without referring to the reviewers again; a report is sent to the author with the required modifications, and after the author makes these modifications, then publishing procedures are completed.

C) If the research is fit for publication with amendments, and the reviewer is referred again; a report is sent to the author with the required amendments, then the research is sent, after amending it, to the reviewer again for approval.

D) If the research is not suitable for publication; adequate reasons are sent to the author, and the research is not published in the journal.